Divine Call Status
Updates on the divine calls issued through the congregation can be found on this page, including contact information and letters from called workers for the congregation.
Pastor Call
A divine call has been extended to Pastor Craig Engel to serve as associate pastor. Pastor Engel currently serves Immanuel Lutheran Church in Willmar, MN.
pastor@willmarwels.net | 320-444-7641
Teacher Calls
A divine call has been extended to Miss Vicki Humann to serve as Kindergarten teacher. Miss Humann currently serves at St. John’s Lutheran School in Sparta, WI.
vhumann@sjsparta.com | 715-360-1598
Mr. Todd LaPoint and Mrs. Kristine LaPoint have returned the divine calls extended to them.
Mr. LaPoint Call Return Letter
Mrs. LaPoint Call Return Letter
Call meeting for 1st & 2nd and 5th & 6th grade teachers will be March 9, 11:30pm at Wonewoc Campus.