Volunteer Opportunities | Stewardship of Time & Talents
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance so that we would walk in them. ”
The love of Christ leads Christians to do acts of service out of thanksgiving for the gifts of forgiveness and life. As a congregation, we seek to provide opportunities for our members to serve God by serving one another and our communities. Below are just a few examples of ministry areas and groups that provide opportunities to serve. If you are looking for a way to serve and have ideas of additional service opportunities, feel free to contact a pastor to share your input.
Service Opportunities
These service opportunities offer an easy way to serve at flexible times throughout the year.
Church Cleaning: Cleaning our sanctuaries and other areas of the church building regularly helps keep our worship spaces welcoming and is good stewardship of our family property.
Ushering: Ushers welcome people to worship, distribute bulletins, and in other ways help with the conduct of the worship. Running the service slides is another task that could be considered an “ushering” duty for those who prefer more behind the scenes service.
Sunday School: Our Sunday School for K-8 runs during the school year on Sunday mornings. Assistant and substitute teachers are always helpful. This is a good opportunity to grow in God’s Word by teaching it to the next generation.
Service Groups
These groups pool the talents of members together for various works of service in our congregation, our communities, and around the world.
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild helps prepare the worship space by changing paraments and banners for the seasons, setting up the elements for services with Holy Communion, and other similar duties.
Care Ministry: The Care Ministry remembers shut-ins, college students and those members with life events, such as a confirmation, graduation, serious illness, birth or death during the year with handmade cards and encouragement.
Choir: The Senior Choir sings regularly throughout the year to contribute to our worship, especially on major church festivals. You don’t need to be an excellent singer to join, just enthusiastic and willing.
Ladies Aid: The Ladies Aid assists the congregation in various ways, such as providing meals for funerals, providing hymnals and Bibles for the students in our school, and supporting missionaries around the world through the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society. Even if you can’t make the monthly meetings, all ladies of the congregation can consider themselves members of the Ladies Aid.
Ministry Teams & Committees
Ministry teams and committees assist the pastors and leadership boards in carrying out and guiding the work of the congregation. These teams and committees are open to any member of the congregation able and willing to serve.
Discipleship Team: The Discipleship Team works with the pastors and Board of Elders in encouraging our members to participate regularly in public worship to receive God’s gifts of his word and sacraments. People may fall out of the habit of worship attendance for any number of reasons and gradually drift away from the congregation and even the faith. The Discipleship Team’s goal is to not let our brothers and sisters fall through the cracks and be forgotten.
Maintenance Committee: The Maintenance Committee helps monitor the state of the property and grounds of the congregation—two church buildings, a school, and three houses. We want to be wise stewards of the resources God has given us and preserve these gifts for future generations to use in the work of spreading the gospel. The Maintenance Committee helps prioritize maintenance projects and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees and the congregation.
Finance Committee: The Finance Committee assists in managing the congregation’s funds to help us be wise stewards of the monetary resources God has given us. Members of the Finance Committee help with the congregation’s bookkeeping, counting offerings, and building the annual congregation budget.
Leadership Boards
Members of these boards are elected by the congregation to serve as overseers of the ministry of the congregation and its Lutheran elementary school. Current boards members are listed here. Membership of these boards is filled according the congregation’s constitution and bylaws.
Board of Trustees: The Trustees are the primary oversight board for the congregation. They monitor and assist in the work of various sub boards, committees, and teams, and bring recommendations from these groups to the congregation as a whole at quarterly meetings. The Trustees are also tasked by the congregation with the oversight of how the mission plans of the congregation are carried out.
Board of Elders: The Elders assist the pastor in providing spiritual care to members of the congregation. They assist with planning worship, leading Bible study, and various one-on-one ministry to members.
Board of Education: The Board of Education is the School Board for St. Paul’s Lutheran School. They serve as overseers of the school ministry for the congregation, helping faculty, parents, and students to work toward our goal of providing quality Christian education.