Honing the Sword |Youth Catechesis Course
“Also take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. ”
Honing the Sword is the name of our pre-confirmation course for the young people of our congregation, sometimes known simply as a catechism or confirmation class. Catechesis is the study of the basic truths of Scripture, and in this course we study the Bible alongside the helpful summaries of Bible teaching found in Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.
God has given us the gift of his word, which is called the sword of the Spirit. God’s Word is perfect, and so in this course we are not really making the word anymore powerful; rather, it is really our skills with the sword of the Spirit that students are honing. This course is aimed at middle-school aged children in the congregation—whether they attend our Lutheran elementary school, public school, or homeschool. Through this class, they will have the opportunity to carefully study the basic teachings of the Bible and see how the truths of God's Word apply to them now and for the rest of their lives. Students are also prepared to take part in the rite of Confirmation, in which they have the opportunity to make a public confession of their faith.
While this course provides a formal structure for learning, catechesis really begins much earlier in the home. Parents are the first teachers children have, and Christian parents are the first spiritual teachers for their children. This course is designed also to help parents serve as teachers for their children, giving parents the opportunity to review the same basic truths of Scripture as their children are. The course is taught through a combination of monthly meetings with pastors, parents, and students and at home learning, facilitated by parents using materials provided by the pastors.
For more information about this course, contact a pastor. You can also view course resources and additional information about confirmation here. Some resources only accessible to course participants.