Honing the Sword

Also take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
— Ephesians 6:17

Course Introduction & Registration

Program Handbook

2024–2025 Schedule

Registration for 2024–2025 Session

Resources from Previous Session

Course materials from the 2023–2024 session of Honing the Sword are linked below. Those provided in the upcoming session will follow a similar format.

Parent Helps (Answers to question in Luther’s Catechism, along with optional discussion questions and resources for further reading.)

Playlist of Lesson Videos (Short videos introducing/summarizing lesson content.)

Informational Meeting Resources

Informational presentations about Honing the Sword and confirmation in general were offered in May 2024. The following are resources shared at those presentations.

Meeting Handout

“Confirmation"—Christian Worship: Foundations

“A Brief Study of Confirmation”—John Brenner

“Confirmation—Form in Search of Function"—Richard Krahn II

“The ‘Mumbojumbo’ of the Rite of Confirmation"—Caleb Gustafson

Forward in Christ Articles on Confirmation (May 2024)

“Free in Christ: Youth Confirmation Practices”

“Parent Conversations: How can parents reinforce the importance of confirmation in their child’s life?”