“The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.
They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.”
Mark 9:31
Dead and Buried
Holy Week Worship Series
We have come to the final stretch of Lent, known as “Holy Week.” In Holy Week, we see the impossible. The Son of God dies. The Lord of life enters the last place he belonged—the grave. But what we will see this week is that, when Jesus entered the tomb, he did not go alone. He buried all our baggage with him: sin, guilt, shame, condemnation, fear. Jesus will walk out of the tomb. But thanks to him, those things will all stay dead and buried.
Last Sunday in Lent | Palm Sunday
April 13 | 8:00am Hillsboro | 10:30am Wonewoc
April 14 | 7:00pm Wonewoc
Surrender Buries Seizure
As we begin Holy Week, we see Jesus bury humanity’s endless attempts at seizing power. Jesus willingly surrendered his power and placed himself in the hands of his enemies. Why? What he wanted more than anything else was not power, but you.
So, Jesus begins this Holy Week riding into Jerusalem on a donkey colt, knowing full well that he was riding to the cross. He would surrender himself to the punishment that our sins deserved, so that through Spirit-wrought faith we might seize the glory and heaven that only he deserves.
Holy Thursday
April 17 | 4:00pm Wonewoc | 6:30pm Hillsboro
A New Covenant Buries an Old Contract
On Thursday of Holy Week, Jesus began to execute the terms of the New Covenant. This New Covenant replaced an old one and was fundamentally different from in it every way. The old offers rewards in return for work; the new makes unconditional and lasting promises. The old will always leave us starving in our relationship with God; the new satisfies the deepest hunger of our soul.
This is precisely why Jesus connected this new covenant with a special meal. To some, the Lord’s Supper looks like a poor snack—a bite of bread and sip of wine. But the followers of Christ understand that this holy food provides all the blessings of the new covenant.
Good Friday
April 18 | 1:00pm Wonewoc | 6:30pm Hillsboro
A One-Time Substitute Buries All-Time Guilt
On Good Friday we remember the crucifixion and death of our Lord both with sorrow and solemn joy. We look at Jesus on the cross, and there is sorrow. He is there because of us. He is there because he loves us that much, so much he gave us his last breath. Jesus took all our guilt into the tomb with him. It will stay there. He will not. That is why we can call this Friday good.
Worship Series | Because He Lives
April 20—June 8
In this season of Easter, it is good we review the details: who, when, where. That reminds us that the resurrection of Christ is not fairytale or fable. It is a historical event . . . the historical event. However, we do ourselves a disservice if we simply recall the historic details of Easter without thinking long and hard about Easter’s significance. Jesus won. That means something! It is our privilege and pleasure to use the fifty days of Easter to discuss this fact: because he lives, not only is our eternity secure, but we have abundant resources to face the present.
The Resurrection of Our Lord | Easter Dawn
April 20 | 6:00am Wonewoc
We Have a Whole New Identity
It is as simple as this. Because Jesus lives, we have a whole new identity: not sinners, but redeemed saints; not rebels, but God’s chosen nation; not doomed, but saved; not only servants, but sons and daughters of God Almighty; not losers, but victorious, because Christ gives us the victory. The living Lord has given us a whole new identity. It is all because of him. It is all because he lives.
The Resurrection of Our Lord | Easter Day
April 20 | 8:30am Wonewoc | 10:30am Hillsboro
Death Has Lost Its Sting
Death can sting in many ways. Note that word can. Because Christ lives, death has lost its sting for those who put their faith in the living Lord. So, while death may still cause tears, death does not cause dread. Because he lives, death has lost its sting.