Announcements: June 16


The congregation has extended a divine call to Pastor Daniel Sims to serve as our next associate pastor.  Pastor Sims is currently serving as Director of Christian Aid and Relief and lives in Franklin, WI.  He can be contacted at 920-763-3790 or Please keep Pastor Sims and his family in your prayers while he considers the two calls that he holds.


Adult Bible class will continue through the summer at the usual Sunday time with “19 Minutes with Luther.” This year we’ll begin our study of the Apostles’ Creed. Topics covered include God’s creation and preservation, Christ’s person and work of salvation, and the nature of faith.


Today is the deadline to return your baby bottles filled with change for Change for Life, but if you didn’t get yours turned in, you can still bring it next Sunday or drop it at the church office.  Change for life supports “New Beginnings—A Home for Mothers” a Milwaukee based ministry which supports single mothers and their babies.


On June 29, St. Paul’s School is sponsoring a “Music in the Park” event at Baker’s Field from 3:00 – 9:00pm.  Four bands are scheduled to play, 2 of which feature some of our members, and there will be 2 food trucks there for refreshment. There will be yard games and kids’ activities as well. Come enjoy some great music and fun!  More info can be found on the Panther Parent event page.  


St. John’s and St. Matthew’s will be installing their new pastor, Zachary Meier, on July 7 at 3:00 pm at St. John’s Church in Kendall.  Thanks and praise to our Lord for providing these congregations with a shepherd. 


Installation for Mr. Justus Kupsky, our new 7-8 grade teacher, will be held at the 10:30am worship service on July 21.  More information will be given in the next couple of weeks but mark this date on your calendar and come and welcome Mr. Kupsky as he begins his ministry here at St. Paul’s.


The elders have approved a change of days for the weeknight service. Beginning the week of August 4, the 7:00pm weeknight service will be changing from Thursday evenings to Monday evenings.  (There will be no Thursday evening service on August 1. The weeknight service for that week will be on August 5).


If you or anyone you know who might meet the following criteria who is able/willing to help out, contact email: or tel: 608-562-3112 (church), 608-562-6563 (center)

  • A local WELS member who is an inactive former/retired (ministry certified) teacher in good congregational standing willing to receive a full-time or part-time call.

  • A WELS member in good standing with his or her congregation who has an education degree, but currently not serving in a WELS school and consider extending a one-year provisional call.

  • A WELS member in good standing with non-education bachelor’s degree to consider a transition to teaching degree and ministry certification. Extend a one-year provisional call.

  • A local individual with an education degree who is open to religious instruction and a path to WELS membership. The individual who is actively taking membership classes could be hired as a teaching assistant with a goal toward calling the person provisionally if he or she becomes a WELS member.

Weekly Calendar | June 16—July 10, 2024

SUNDAY (6-16)               8:00 am          Worship with Communion (H)

                                                    9:15 am          Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am        Worship with Communion (W)

TUESDAY(6-18)              6:30 pm          Trustees

WEDNESDAY (6-19)        7:00 pm          Board of Education

THURSDAY (6-20)          7:00 pm          Worship (W)

SUNDAY (6-23)               8:00 am          Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am          Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am        Worship (W)

THURSDAY (6-27)          7:00 pm          Worship (W)

SATURDAY (6-29)           3:00 pm          “Music in the Park” @ Baker’s Field until 9:00 pm

SUNDAY (6-30)               8:00 am          Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am          Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am        Worship (W)

SATURDAY(7-6)            8:30 am          Elders/Discipleship Meeting (H)

                                                    9:00am          Church Basement Reserved for Family Gathering (W)

SUNDAY (7-7)                 8:00 am          Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am          Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am        Worship (W)

TUESDAY (7-9)               6:30 pm          Panther Parent Meeting

WEDNESDAY (7-10)        7:00 pm          Board of Education


Announcements: June 23


Announcements: June 9