Announcements: February 2


On January 16, a divine call was issued to Pastor Benjy Pederson to serve as associate pastor and a divine call was issued to Miss Rachel Kramer to serve as Kindergarten and administrative release teacher. Pastor Pederson currently serves at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in Coon Rapids, MN; Miss Kramer currently serves at Emmaus Lutheran School in Phoenix, AZ.

On January 28, divine calls were extended to Todd and Kristine LaPoint to teach 5th-6th and 1st-2nd respectively.  The LaPoints currently teach at Martin Luther School in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 

Please keep all in your prayers as they deliberate where the Lord would have them serve.

Call status and contact information for called workers can be found at

If you haven’t received your contribution statement and would like one, please let the church office know.  We would like to encourage all members to have an email on file in the data base. This helps us get your contribution statement out to you in a timely manner.  Please reach out to the church office with any questions.


We are still looking for cleaners for the Wonewoc campus.  PLEASE consider signing up for 1 or more weeks to help!  It takes just few hours each week. You can clean alone or team up with friends and family members to accomplish the task.  Call the office (608-464-321) if you have questions.

TRIVIA NIGHT – February 8

Panther Parents is sponsoring a Trivia Night on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at the Wonewoc Legion Hall. Kick your night off with a yummy chili dinner at 5:30 pm with Trivia starting at 7 pm.  Teams are $160 per table; payable at the door. Form a team of 8 (18 and older), All teams are invited to dress their best in Love and hearts OR a team theme of your own. Prize and bragging rights for the winning table. Proceeds will go to St. Paul’s Lutheran School for building updates and Wonewoc Legion Hall. Contact Rachel at 608-415-0827 / to register.


The family of Valerie Hagemann would like to thank all the good people who expressed their sympathy at Val’s passing after a 2-year battle with cancer.  Your cards, prayers, and memorials were greatly appreciated.  God bless you all.

Alvin Hagemann Jr.

Becky, Jenny, Matt, Mark & Marah Hagemann

Alma and Gary Schnurr & family

Weekly Calendar | February 2—February 16, 2025

SUNDAY (2-2)                      8:00 am             Worship with Communion (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship with Communion (W)

                                                    11:30 am           Quarterly Voters’ Meeting (W)

MONDAY (2-3)                    5:00 pm             A Girl’s Basketball Triangular @ Wonewoc-Center

                                                    7:00 pm             Worship with Communion (W)

                                                    8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (W)

TUESDAY (2-4)                    5:00 pm             “A” Only Girl’s Basketball @ St. John’s, Baraboo

WEDNESDAY (2-5)            1:30 pm             Ladies Aid—Hillsboro

THURSDAY (2-6)                5:00 pm             “B” Only Girl’s Basketball @ St. John’s, Portage

                                                    1:00 pm             Bible Information Class (H)

FRIDAY (2-7)                        8:05 am             School Chapel

SATURDAY (2-8)                7:00 pm             Trivia Night @ Wonewoc Legion (Meal starts @ 5:30)

SUNDAY (2-9)                      8:00 am             Worship (H) — Grades 3-4 & 7-8 sing

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

MONDAY (2-10)                  7:00 pm             Worship (W)

                                                    8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (W)

TUESDAY (2-11)                  5:00 pm             “B” Only Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs Sacred Heart

WEDNESDAY (2-12)          6:30 pm             Panther Parent Meeting—Wonewoc

THURSDAY (2-13)              1:00 pm             Bible Information Class (H)

                                                    5:00 pm             B & A Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs. St.  Joseph

FRIDAY (2-14)                                                  PARENT TRANSPORT DAY

                                                    8:05 am             School Chapel

SUNDAY (2-16)                    8:00 am             Worship with Communion (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship with Communion (W)

                                                    5:00 pm             Family Forge (W)


Announcements: February 9


Announcements: January 26