Announcements: February 16
On February 11, the Lord called out from this world the soul of our sister, Doris Picha. We pray for the Lord to comfort Doris’s family during this time of grief and to lead all of us to rejoice in the sure hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Christian Funeral for Doris will be held Monday, February 17, at 11:00am at St. Paul’s Hillsboro campus.
Pastor Benjy Pederson has returned the call to serve as associate pastor.
Miss Rachel Kramer has returned the call to serve as kindergarten teacher.
We thank them for their time in deliberation and pray for God’s continued blessings on their ministries.
A new call meeting for pastor and kindergarten teacher will be held on March 2 at 4:00pm at the Wonewoc campus.
On January 28, divine calls were extended to Todd and Kristine LaPoint to teach 5th-6th and 1st-2nd respectively. The LaPoints currently teach at Martin Luther School in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Please keep them in your prayers as they deliberate where the Lord would have them serve.
Call status and contact information for called workers can be found at
On February 2, a congregation meeting was held at the Wonewoc campus. Highlights and information from the meeting included:
Approval of replacement of the gym floor this summer, with funds coming from gifts, fund raising and available monies in the school remodel fund. Plans are do get the project underway soon after school is out.
Updates of the ECM project in Hillsboro were given. Groundbreaking for the facility should happen in the next couple of months with a timeline for completion of September.
A list of current board and committee members and contact information is available on the table in back at Wonewoc and in the narthex at Hillsboro. Please reach out to them if you have questions. Complete minutes of the meeting are also there.
The Lutheran Ceili Orchestra will be leading worship at St. John’s, Baraboo on February 23rd at 9:00am. This Milwaukee-based group tours the country to share their music. Their unique mission is to lead meaningful, edifying liturgical worship while bringing forward the voice of the ancient Celtic Christian. St. John’s would like to invite anyone interested to attend. A free will offering will be taken to help sponsor this group. For more information about TLCO, visit
Weekly Calendar | February 16—March 2, 2025
SUNDAY (2-16) 8:00 am Worship with Communion (H) (Grades 5-6 Sing)
9:15 am Sunday School H)
9:15 am Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)
10:30 am Worship with Communion (W)
5:00 pm Family Forge (W)
MONDAY (2-17) 5:00 pm A Girl’s Basketball Triangular @ Wonewoc-Center
7:00 pm Worship with Communion (W)
8:00 pm Adult Choir Practice (W)
TUESDAY (2-18) 5:00 pm “B” Only Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs. St. Peter’s
6:00 pm Trustees
WEDNESDAY (2-19) 8:05 am School Chapel
THURSDAY (2-20) No School for Students – Teachers Conference
5:00 pm “B” Only Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs. St. Mary’s, Portage
FRIDAY (2-21) No School for Students – Teachers Conference
SUNDAY (2-23) 8:00 am Worship (H)
9:15 am Sunday School H)
9:15 am Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)
10:30 am Worship (W)
MONDAY (2-24) 5:00 pm B & A Girl’s Basketball @ St. Joseph, Baraboo
7:00 pm Worship (W)
8:00 pm Adult Choir Practice (W)
TUESDAY (2-25) 5:00 pm B & A Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs St. Pat’s, Mauston
THURSDAY (2-27) 1:00 pm Bible Information Class (H)
5:00 pm B & A Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs. St. John’s, Baraboo
FRIDAY (2-28) 8:05 am School Chapel
SUNDAY (3-2) 8:00 am Worship (H
9:15 am Sunday School H)
9:15 am Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)
10:30 am Worship (W)
4:00 pm Pastor/Teacher Call Meeting (W)