Announcements: February 23


A call meeting for pastor and kindergarten teacher will be held on Sunday, March 2, at 4:00pm at the Wonewoc campus.


Todd and Kristine LaPoint have returned their calls to to teach 5th-6th and 1st-2nd respectively.  We thank them for their time and deliberation.  A call meeting will be announced as soon as it is scheduled.

Call status and contact information for called workers can be found at 


Spring break for W-C and St. Paul’s will take place March 3-7.  There is no school for students that week.  The church/school office will be open from 9am-1:00pm on those days.


Ash Wednesday is March 5 and begins mid-week worship for Lent.  The first 3 weeks of worship will be at the Wonewoc campus with service times at 4:00pm and 6:30pm.  There will be a supper in between the services.  The next 3 weeks will be at the Hillsboro campus with worship at the same time and suppers between.


February 28th we will be having a fundraising meeting to go over the needs of the ECM and possible ways to fundraise for those items. Input from members is welcome. This meeting will take place at 5:30pm at the Wonewoc campus.


Building design plans for the new ECM can be found on in back at both campuses.  Feel free to look them over and if you have any questions, talk to Pastor or one of the Trustees. There is also a box for name suggestions for our new ECM facility is you have any ideas. 

Weekly Calendar | February 23—March 10, 2025

SUNDAY (2-23)                    8:00 am             Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

MONDAY (2-24)                  5:00 pm             B & A Girl’s Basketball @ St. Joseph, Baraboo

                                                    7:00 pm             Worship (W)

                                                    8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (W)

TUESDAY (2-25)                  5:00 pm             B & A Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs St. Pat’s, Mauston

THURSDAY (2-27)              5:00 pm             B & A Girl’s Basketball @ Home vs. St.  John’s, Baraboo

FRIDAY (2-28)                      8:05 am             School Chapel

SUNDAY (3-2)                      8:00 am             Worship (H

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

                                                    4:00 pm             Pastor/Teacher Call Meeting (W)

MONDAY (3-3)                    7:00 pm             Worship with Communion (W)

                                                    8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (W)

WEDNESDAY (3-5)            1:30 pm             Ladies Aid (W)

                                                    4:00 pm             Ash Wednesday Worship with Communion (W)

                                                    5:00 pm             Lent Supper (W)

                                                    6:30 pm             Ash Wednesday Worship with Communion (W)

THURSDAY (3-6)                1:00 pm             Bible Information Class (H)

SATURDAY (3-8)                8:00 am             Science & Fine Arts Fair—Luther High, Onalaska

SUNDAY (3-9)                      DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS

                                                    8:00 am             Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Bible Study (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

MONDAY (3-10)                  7:00 pm             Worship (W)

                                                    8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (W)


Announcements: March 9


Announcements: February 16