Announcements: May 26


A special graduation worship service for St. Paul’s 8th graders will take place on Thursday, May 30 at 6:30pm at the Wonewoc campus.  There will not be a regular Thursday service on May 30. 


Adult Bible class will continue through the summer at the usual Sunday time with “19 Minutes with Luther.” This year we’ll begin our study of the Apostles’ Creed. Topics covered include God’s creation and preservation, Christ’s person and work of salvation, and the nature of faith.


Again, this year, our congregation is participating in the Change for Life Program to support the ministry of New Beginnings – A Home for MothersNew Beginnings is a WELS based ministry that helps single mothers pave the way to self-sufficiency in a Christ-centered home.  Pick up a baby bottle, take it home and have everyone in your household fill it with their spare change.  On Father’s Day, return the filled bottle to church where the money collected will be sent to help the mothers and babies at New Beginnings.


The H.O.P.E walk will be held at the Hillsboro High School track on June 14 from 6—11pm.  100% of proceeds from this event is used locally to support those who have been affected by cancer. Along with the walk there are kids’ games, face painting, food stands, a pie sale and more.


Pastor Matthew Kuske has returned the call for associate pastor. We did not receive a graduate for either the 5-6 grade teaching vacancy, or a seminary graduate for the pastoral vacancy.  However, the Lord has blessed the Kendall/Southridge congregations with a graduate, so they will have a full-time pastor again. A pastor call meeting will be held June 9 at 2:00pm at the Hillsboro campus.


On Sunday, June 2, we will be saying farewell, thank you, and Godspeed to Ashley and Sydney Peterson who will both be leaving to serve their Lord elsewhere.  Join us for a meal after the 10:30am service in Wonewoc.  Meat will be provided and if you can, please bring a side or dessert to pass. 


Save the date for the 2024 National Conference on Worship, Music, and the Arts, held July 30-August 2, 2024, at Carthage College, Kenosha, Wis. The worship conference offers something for everyone, not only for pastors and musicians but also for lay people who love worship and want to encourage worship enrichment in their congregations. The theme of the conference is Sing a New Song to the Lord. Online registration runs through July 21. Learn more at


Our new 7-8 Grade teacher will be arriving in Wonewoc on May 31 with a moving truck.  We are looking for some help to unload his belongings on June 1. Please call the office if you can help. Here is a little bit about him:

Hello, My name is Justus Kupsky. I am very excited to start my ministry at St Paul’s. A little about me, I am originally from Manitowoc Wisconsin. I grew up in a small village 20 minutes outside of Manitowoc called Whitelaw. My parents are Sarah and Tim, and I have one sister who is younger named Brylee. I went to Bethany for grade school and Manitowoc Lutheran for high school. I then went on to MLC to become a teacher. I spent my first year in Saginaw Michigan then my last two in Valentine, NE. When I am not in school, my hobbies include going on walks, playing video games, playing and watching sports, and playing board games. I currently do not have any pets but would love to have some in the near future. I cannot wait to meet you all. God Bless,       Justus

Weekly Calendar | May 26—June 9, 2024

Sunday (5-26)                    8:00 am             Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

Monday (5-27)                                              MEMORIAL DAY – NO SCHOOL

Thursday (5-30)              6:30 pm             Graduation Service (W) (No 7:00pm service)

Friday (5-31)                      8:05 am             School Chapel—Closing Service for School Year

Sunday (6-2)                      8:00 am             Worship with Communion (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship with Communion(W)

                                                    11:30 am           Farewell Potluck for the Petersons (W)

Wednesday (6-5)            6:30 pm             Ladies Aid (H)

Thursday (6-6)                6:00 pm             Bible Information Class (W)

                                                    7:00 pm             Worship (W)

Saturday (6-8)                7:00 am             Wonewoc Days Breakfast (Parents needed to help serve)

                                                    8:30 am             Elders/Discipleship Committee

Sunday (6-9)                      8:00 am             Worship (H)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (W)

                                                    2:00 pm             Pastor Call Meeting (H)


Announcements: June 2


Announcements: May 19